Code 4 Tactics Instructor Certification (C4T-IC) April 2019

April 25 – 28, 2019

Las Vegas, Nevada

C4T-IC is a principle-based 4-day defensive tactics program that prepares students to teach the revolutionary Code 4 Concepts core curriculum. C4C has been the favored curriculum for military units, law enforcement agencies, and select security professionals since 2006. Over 98% of all clients have rated C4C training as excellent. Learn how to defend against attacks, gain dominant positions of control, and resolve combative encounters. Students will be taught principles and concepts that make them hard to hit and hard to take down by any opponent, skilled or unskilled. The state of the art methods of C4C allow students to stay mobile, manage dynamic encounters, and maintain the ability to transition and/or disengage. C4T-IC doctrine is a mix of the top training concepts and models from law enforcement and the world of combative arts. Students will learn world class coaching methodologies and drills so that they, or anyone else they train, can quickly learn and retain what is taught. Instructor Development will be the focus of this course. This is not a “gentlemen’s course” and attendees will be tested and evaluated. Evaluations will consist of a written exam, student-led presentation and Performance-Based Skills Test. Graduates of C4T-IC will be certified to teach Code 4 Concepts curriculum to individuals within their own agency or approved organization.

Pre-requisite: Prior defensive tactics or martial arts training.

Enrollment: Open to law enforcement, Department of Defense, government agencies, eligible government contractors, security instructors, and approved civilian trainers.

Cost: $950.00 per student

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